Olive Bread (Eliopita)

Olive Bread (Eliopita)

I love olives. The Cypriot “eliopita”, or olive bread, is a famous bread that many people love. You can find large “eliopittes”...

Orange Easter Bread (Tsoureki)

Orange Easter Bread (Tsoureki)

How can you tell that it is spring where you are? In Cyprus, this is how I can tell it is most definitely spring:I walked by the Mediterranean Sea and...

Tsoureki-Chocolate Cake  (Tsoureki)

Tsoureki-Chocolate Cake (Tsoureki)

Just a quick post to say this is my latest recipe for Taste Magazine – their Easter issue. We are getting pretty close to Greek Easter (Cypriot ...

Sweet Tahini Pies (Tahinopittes)

Sweet Tahini Pies (Tahinopittes)

I decided to highlight this post from 2013 as it’s one of my favourites. It’s all about how to make tahinopittes, which I think a lot of p...

Christmas Bread (Christopsomo)

Christmas Bread (Christopsomo)

For a moment, I thought I had run out of Cypriot Christmas dishes to make. A Cyprus Christmas – for me – involves almond shortbread “...

Orange-Brandy Cake (Vasilopita)

Orange-Brandy Cake (Vasilopita)

Thank you 2013. Goodbye 2013. You were a wonderful year. I took a photography course. Started my food blog. And met a guy. So all in all, I liked 2013...

Coconut Cake - 2 ways

Coconut Cake - 2 ways

This recipe makes the easiest and most delicious coconut celebration cake. If you are craving simplicity, you can make it in a bundt pan – just ...

Lountza, Cheddar & Chive Scones

Lountza, Cheddar & Chive Scones

Fall has arrived in Cyprus. It’s not immediately obvious, as the days are still hot, and the beaches still busy. But, in the mornings, it is tan...

Carrot Cake With Cyprus Village Flour

Carrot Cake With Cyprus Village Flour

A carrot cake should fulfill two criteria in my books: it should be moist and have a great cream cheese topping. This one is both of those. It also is...

Focaccia Bread

Focaccia Bread

Soft, fluffy. Salty. A touch of sweetness and oil. These are qualities that describe my perfect Focaccia bread. I am making bread because it is olive ...

"Koupa" Pie

I must confess that I love “koupes” (pork-filled fried-bulgur pastries) but sometimes I feel bad eating them because they are fried. So I ...

Cyprus Cuisine

“Cyprus Cuisine”, published by Whitecap Books in 2021, is now available for purchase. Christina Loucas shares over 80 recipes that showcase the very best of Cypriot cooking.

Cyprus Cuisine