Borscht Soup

2 hours

900 grams Foodsaver Bone In Beef Shoulder Cubes
1/2 cup Lurpak Salted Butter
2 cups Foodsaver Onion Cubes, equivalent to 2 medium onions
1600 ml Foodsaver Ciao Chopped Tomatoes
12 Foodsaver Ardo Parisian Potatoes
1 tablespoon Ciao Tomato Paste
1/2 cup Arla Whipping Cream
1/2 cup fresh green pepper, diced*
1/2 cup fresh dill, finely chopped*
8 cups finely and thinly chopped cabbage*
12 cups water*
2 tablespoons salt, or more to taste*
1 cup carrots, grated *
1 & 1/2 cups beets, grated *
finely diced fresh dill* and spoonfuls of sour cream as garnish*

* All ingredients available at Foodsaver Stores except those marked with an *.

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1. Boil water and beef on high heat for 30 minutes to make beef stock. Remove beef shoulder and pick off small pieces of beef.

2. In large pan, melt butter, add onion, cabbage, dill, peppers and canned tomatoes. Stir fry vegetables over low to medium heat for twenty minutes, until the cabbage softens. Do not burn the vegetables.

3. Add potatoes, carrots and beets to beef stock. Once cooked, remove potatoes and mash together with whipped cream. Add tomato paste, cabbage mixture, mashed potatoes and beef pieces back into stock. Add salt, and add more salt if you think it is needed as beef soups do benefit from a lot of salt.

4. Serve with finely diced fresh dill and two spoonfuls of sour cream.

Soup. I always want to learn more soup recipes. Especially this time of the year. Soups are soothing, easy to make and hearty, if you make them that way. This soup is all three of these things. The first time I learned how to make borsch my friend from Georgia came grocery shopping with me, she pointed out what ingredients I would need, we went back to my flat, and she showed me how. The second time I learned how to make borsch my neighbour with Polish ancestry told me how to make it. My conclusion: there is more than one way to make borscht. Different countries, different ways, different times of the year, different ingredients. So, I present to you: my version. It may not be traditional but it’s tasty, which was my prime concern. A mash of Polish, Georgian, Cypriot and Canadian. A borscht mutt if you will. I would love to learn how you make borscht, so please let me know. Enjoy.


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Cyprus Cuisine

“Cyprus Cuisine”, published by Whitecap Books in 2021, is now available for purchase. Christina Loucas shares over 80 recipes that showcase the very best of Cypriot cooking.

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